Dear Sangha, we’re so happy to be able to spend a whole day together, like a mini wake up retreat 🙂
Please find some organisational info below.
When and where?
Sunday 7.5., 8:45 until ca. 5 pm,
Sanghahäuschen Zehlendorf, Anhaltiner Straße 4a (look for the bamboo). It’s a short walk from S Zehlendorf (S1 and some busses)
What to expect?
We will have all our usual practice elements, with some extras 🙂
We’re very lucky that an experienced practicioner from the Zehlendorf Sangha will join us for a bit and share about facilitation (maybe we all get to invite a bell?) and answer some questions.
We’ll also share lunch, have a deep relaxation, add a guitar to the singing, take the walking meditation outside… This is the draft schedule, but as always, impermanence might happen 😉

Please take the chance to cultivate some morning calmness: Arrive in silence, have a look around, get a cup of tea and enjoy this shared practice of noble silence until after the grounding.
What to bring?
Please bring some vegan/vegetarian food to share for lunch (you can already put a sticker on it, but we will have some there too). If you have food sensitivities or allergies (e.g. soy, nuts…), please let us know in advance so we can ask people to label their food accordingly.
The Sangha Zehlendorf asks us to contribute a bit to their rent for these beautiful rooms we get to use. The dàna recommendation for the day is 10€. Of course everyone is welcome and if this is not something you’re comfortably able to give at this moment, please don’t worry about it (some people might give more, we have some sangha savings – it will work out for sure).
Our guest will make time for a Q&A – so if you have time, maybe already think a little if you have questions (about the practice, about facilitation) that you want to ask.
Most importantly, please trust that you can bring your whole self. All feelings and states of mind are welcome and as a group we can hold a lot of happiness and suffering and everything in between and beyond.