Practice Evening
>> Regular practice evening in CharlottenburgLooking forward to seeing you soon!
>> Regular practice evening in CharlottenburgLooking forward to seeing you soon!
>> Regular practice evening in Charlottenburg Looking forward to seeing you soon!
A full day of practicing together in community, this time in Zehlendorf. More information will follow, but you can save the date :-D
Every year in the beginning of advent the network for mindful business is organising a walking meditation - details regarding meeting place etc. will follow.
Regular sangha session, probably with a reading of the Five Mindfulness Trainings.The location for this date isn't totally set yet, please get in touch for more information.
>> Regular practice evening in CharlottenburgLooking forward to seeing you soon!
>> Regular practice evening in CharlottenburgLooking forward to seeing you soon!